my space

Hi!! I'm going to show you a little part of my life, my personal space, in this blog I writte all that I want so, read it

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014


En caso de ahogo, lo mejor sería tumbar a la persona en cuestión y presionar su pecho repetidas veces.
In case of choke, the best would be to overthrow the person and pull his/her chest.

Si tengo un esguince de tobillo, se inmoviliza la zona afectada para no moverla y se acude a un hospital lo más rápido posible.
If I have an ankle sprain, I tie it up and go to a hospital as soon as possible.

Si se trata de diarrea, se aconseja beber agua y controlar la alimentación.
If it is diahorrear, it advised to drink water and be carefull with food.

Si me encuentro un accidente de tráfico por la calle, primero alertar a Emergencias y a la polic­ía.
If I am at a traffic accident, i will call the police.

Si alguien sufre un paro cardíaco, se llama a la ambulancia y hay que intentar reanimarlo con las indicaciones que te den.


In case of suffocation, the better thing would be to knock down the person in question and to press his chest repeatedly. In marries of choke, the best would be to overthrow the person and pull his/her chest. If I have a sprain of ankle, the zone is immobilized affected not to move her and one comes to an as rapid as possible hospital. If I have an ankle sprain, I tie it up and go to to hospital seize soon ace possible. If it is a question of diarrhea, one advises to drink water and to control the supply. If it is diahorrear, it advised to drink water closet and be carefull with food. If I am a traffic accident for the street, first to alert Emergencies and the police. If I am at to traffic accident, i will call the police. If someone suffers a heart failure, it calls to the ambulance and it is necessary to try to revive it with the indications give you

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